Tuesday, June 29, 2010


(A residual is generally a quantity left over at the end of a process.)

In our day to day lives we have certain things we do to rid ourselves of the various residual build up gathered as we go through our lives.

Bathing, brushing our teeth, taking out the garbage, dusting, vacuuming, etc....

What do we do to deal with the residual energy build up?

When you go to work, socialize, shop, in traffic, anywhere, there is energy radiating from others who are there and residual energy from those who have been there before you.
This often stays with you like the smell of smoke stays with you if you've been with heavy smokers.

Just like nicotine will stick to the walls, curtains etc...energy sticks to people, places & things.

Clearing this energy from your space on a regular basis is vital to your health & well being.
For example, if you work in a hospital, what is the vibration of the energy you are around?
Sick, injured, worry, stress, etc...
This frequency stays with you if you aren't careful to realign with your own energy.

The same thing holds true for those who have people in their home, parties, weekend guests, family come to stay for a while...their energy vibration becomes a residual force in your own vibration.
This can cause incredible confusion.
Why are you tired, stressed, depressed, physical aches and pains, and so on.
Many, many times it's not your own energy you're feeling.
It's the mix of residual energies that have gathered upon you.
*Dust yourself off takes on a new meaning when we come to it from this direction.*

Relax, breath deeply, allow all of this excess energy to move off of your energy, float up, up & away.

Out it goes to the Universe for healing and harmonizing.
This need only take a few moments to do once you've become practiced at it
is powerful & life altering if you'll allow it to be so.

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